Enhancing Creativity

Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different. In reality, everyone has a story, a question, and a comment on creativity and yet this is a sorely neglected area in our education system.

Workshop 1: How to Enhance Creativity


Can creativity be enhanced?

 Or are we born with it? The answer is, yes, creativity can be enhanced, and yes, some of us are naturally creative. However, despite genetic limits, human personal creativity CAN be enhanced.

Research has shown that babies and children learn best when their parents, teachers and caregivers use creative ways of teaching. This workshop introduces the audience to creative techniques to make every day learning a joyful experience. When a child is happy to learn, he remembers the lesson! If you’re a parent with children 0-12 years of age, or you’re a teacher of pupils in this age range, this workshop is for you! You need to be creative in order to help your child/student be creative.


What you can expect from this workshop

  • Raise creative consciousness by learning how to think and live creatively
  • Improve metacognitive understanding of creativity
  • Teaching creative thinking techniques
  • Strengthen creative abilities through a repertoire of activities
  • Individual work and group work


This workshop can be customised for corporate executives, teachers, students, and anyone who may benefit from it.

Workshop 2: Out of Creativity Trap: How can Parents Help Maximise Creativity in their Children


(It is a known fact that as we get older, our levels of creativity appears to drop. This clearly reflects on our parenting styles. Is there a way to counter this? This short presentation will introduce the concept of creativity and creative awareness amongst parents. A fun-filled creativity test will help parents gauge their levels of creativity, which will help them be aware of their creative strengths and weakness and what can be done to enhance and inspire creativity within parents)

Being a parent requires daily creativity. If you’re a parent, you already know this. It doesn’t get easier as kids get older. In fact, being the parent of a teenager requires the skills of a magician as you develop the art of being present but invisible at the same time.

At a time when schools are cutting back on arts programs; when standardised tests call for standardised answers; when children have little time to play, daydream and explore, it’s easy for a parent who values creativity to feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness. That is why we need an eye-opener workshop as such.


This workshop is for:

  • Parents who want to pursue more creative lives.
  • Parents who no longer want to put creative hobbies on hold.
  • Parents who want to encourage their children’s creativity, who value creativity whether it’s in the arts or science or human interactions.
  • Parents who want to be creative in how they approach parenting itself.


The aims of this workshop are to:

  • Raise creative consciousness by teaching creative attitudes to children
  • Help parents stimulate and nurture children’s developing mind, curiosity, and creative skills.
  • Provide a foundation for the basic skills that the child will need throughout life.
  • Help improve children’s metacognitive understanding of creativity
  • Teach creative thinking techniques.
  • Strengthen creative abilities through a repertoire of activities that is both educational and fun.
  • Individual involvement and teamwork in creative projects.
  • Create child-parent bonding.

Workshop 3: Teacher Training Series:


Creative Thinking for Teachers 

This workshop helps to create awareness amongst teachers on creative thinking processes while teaching.

The goals of this talk are:

  • To create awareness on the importance of creative teaching among teachers.
  • To raise creative consciousness by teaching creative attitudes.
  • To teach creative thinking techniques that applies to classroom teaching.

Note: All workshops can be customised to suit the needs of teachers, corporate executives, parents and students.